Unfortunately Washing machines do not hold up as well as they did in years past. Washers used to have a life expectancy of 30 years or more. Today's Washers tend to breakdown within 3-5 years of usage.
In today's world, Washers are actually abused! You must remember that they are "clothes" Washers. No matter what the manufacturer advertises, these Washers can only handle so much. I have seen ads about washing 15 pairs of jeans, etc. Yes, you can however it will not be long before your Washer will need repair. Think about it, like car dealerships, the $$ are made after the sale with repairs and extended warranties! So jam your Washer as full as you can get it and soon you'll be paying to repair or replace!
Here are steps to help you get the most out of your Washer and help it last for a good long time!
Step 1. Don't Overload! Overloading is the number one cause of washer failure.
Step 2. Load your clothes in loosely to about 2/3 full. This is approximately 10-12 lbs. of dry clothes
Step 3. Only wash CLOTHES! Remember Washers are not designed to wash Comforters, Rugs, Tennis Shoes and other large items. Take these items to a laundromat, which have actual Commercial machines. Your washer will LOVE you!
Step 4. Keep your washer clean! Detergent can build up over a period of time and eventually that build up will break off and take on the appearance of oil on your clothes. You can use baking soda, white vinegar as well as commercial cleaners to clean your washer. Google It! Lots of information on the web about cleaning your washer.
Now you may have been abusing your Washer for a while now, so expect it to break sooner rather than later, but if you start today, you can still keep it from breaker sooner.
Follow these steps to insure that you are not overloading your Washer and it will last a lot longer. The Bonus is your clothes will come out cleaner than ever.
So PLEASE, stop abusing your Washing Machine! It will pay you back in the LONG run!
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Coming Soon ~ Ways to extend the Life of your Dryer.
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