How To Make Sure You Don’t Buy A Used Appliance Lemon
Have you ever bought something or heard of someone who had bought something used from someone, got it home and hooked it up only to find out that “it just don’t work”?
Well, I have. I get a lot of calls from people who have said, “I bought this fridge about a week or so ago and it was working when I got it at first and now it just stopped cooling. My milk has soured and the drinks aren’t cold enough and the guy told me that "it seemed to be working when they stopped using it…..”
Unfortunately, I have heard this story too many times over the years, especially within the last few years. With concerns about the economy, high unemployment, folks without jobs, etc. There is a tendency to “do what you have to do” in order to get by. And less face it, there are some unscrupulous people in this world.
In the last few years, there have been a lot of people running ads on craigslist and else where, “Will pick up or remove unwanted appliances and scrap metal for free”. These are probably good people who are trying to “make a living” and without knowing much about appliances, plug them up and they “seem to be working”, put them up for sale with an ad and sell it to somebody that does not know much about appliances either…..
Then you get it home and well, you know the rest of the story. So you ask yourself, “How can I be sure that what I am buying will be in good working order and will last me for hopefully a long time into the future?”
Answer 1: Get well educated about how appliances operate and how to test them to be sure that they are in good working order. The difficult part is that it is hard to know what is on the inside of an appliance unless you take it apart and inspect the inside.
Most appliances that have been used for a while are in need of a good cleaning, inside and out. Some having moving parts that need lubrication so they will last longer and some need some minor repairs that will help to insure that they will be in good working condition for sometime to come without needing additional repairs.
Answer 2: Buy from someone you can trust that has been learning and understands how appliances work from the inside out. Someone that knows that for example, a Dryer needs to be completely taken apart, cleaned, lubricated and tested to insure that it is operating properly.
There are a lot of used appliances available for sale and some are priced really low, but sometimes what you are buying is someone else’s problems and the old saying is “you get what you pay for”, but unfortunately, sometimes you don't.
– Just Remember “Buyer Beware”
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